CWL believes that success in Digital Transformation is about efficiently and repeatably harnessing the knowledge and experience of your workforce to the tools and services of the digital economy so that you accelerate and proliferate your ability to deliver value to your customers and stakeholders.
At the core of this is Digital Innovation.
Digital Innovation represents a different approach to identifying your customers problems, and investing in the ideas that your people have to address them. Traditional solutions seek to fully understand, quantify and qualify the problem before a design can be established and a budget agreed. The Digital Innovation approach instead takes what has been currently been identified and uses this as a platform for immediate value delivery and collaborative investigation into further, additional value streams.
In Digital Innovation, effective investment is incremental, and based on a qualified initial value return (in Agile this is the Minimum Viable Product). As investment continues, so new ideas, features and outcomes can be factored into the solution. The secret is to ensure a valid return of value against investment, and to scale investment dynamically as value streams emerge or decline. (In our Blog, the CWL Viewpoint, you will find a number of articles relating to practical approaches to this).
Digital Innovation should not be mistaken with Product or Service Innovation, which is driven from market analysis, consumer focus groups and 'venture' funding structures. However, effective customer solutions that are repeatable and can demonstrate market demand can be invested in as Products. In so doing, they place Digital Innovation firmly at the entrance of the innovation funnel.